Differentiating between undefined and null

Wondering if it’s possible to differentiate between undefined and nulls in Tapir schema. I’m attempting to implement something based on Json Merge Patch, which has different behavior depending on if the incoming field is undefined vs null. I have a custom circe type defined roughly as:

sealed trait JsonMaybe[+A]
case class JsonSome[+A](value: A) extends JsonMaybe[A]
case object JsonNull extends JsonMaybe[Nothing]
case object JsonUndefined extends JsonMaybe[Nothing]

and now I need to create a custom Tapir schema that supports this. It doesn’t work by default since tapir thinks any field defined as JsonMaybe instead of Option is required, so I’m trying to figure out a generic way to make JsonMaybe also be optional in the eyes of Tapir. Does this require implementing my own SchemaType, like SchemaType.SOption?

Adding a bit more context:
The confusing thing here is that the circe decoder works differently when by itself versus when integrated with tapir. For example

case class Foo(maybe: JsonMaybe[Unit])

decode[Foo]("{}") // correctly decodes to JsonUndefined

case class FooInput(
  foo: Foo

// Sending a request with body "{}" will result in "Missing required field at 'maybe'"

As for the confusing part, what matters is the place from which you invoke Schema.derived (or run auto-derivation). Is your customised circe codec visible there?

And as for the original question - how would that be represented in the OpenAPI Schema? A field which can be null/undefined is optional, but how else would it influence the documentation?

I’m trying to achieve the same thing.

On the circe side, I’ve tried the solution by Travis Brown on Stack Overflow. It seems to work fine, but I can’t get the OpenAPI specification right.

In OpenAPI 3.0.3 there’s "nullable": true as well. I guess the field should be both nullable and optional. Is that possible with tapir?

You can configure it globally only, to mark all optional fields as nullable, by customising the OpenAPI options, see: tapir/OpenAPIDocsOptions.scala at dc8dd857a1f4b2d5b0498d787857f36619b0cac5 · softwaremill/tapir · GitHub

Would that work for you?

Sorry for the late reply.

Unfortunately that doesn’t work for the use case I have.

There are lots of other types that I don’t want to change, and then one for “FooPatchDto” where I’d like all of the fields be optional and nullable. It would need to be something that’s configurable per field or on the type.

So I think the option you would have right now is to customise the schema using one the methods described here.

In a nutshell, you can add the @customise(Schema => Schema) annotation to a class, and in the function recursively check if the schema is optional, and if so, set the nullable property to true as well. Or you can customise the value obtained using Schema.derived and assign it to an implicit value.

I can’t find a property called “nullable” on any type. Is there one, or a more generic data structure where I can put in any key-value pair and have it be rendered as part of the property in the generated Open API yaml?

I tried using @customise but couldn’t understand how to use it in a good way.
I added this code (UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore is my equivalent of Jason’s JsonMaybe):

object UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore {
  implicit def tapirSchema[T: Schema]: Schema[UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore[T]] =
        "Update the field if it's sent in with a value, remove it if sent in with 'null', ignore it otherwise"
  // circe code here

And with that change, the documentation rendered in ReDoc looks a lot nicer.

For this case class

case class FooPatchDto(someOptionalParameter: UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore[Long])

the generated OpenAPI yaml looks like this:

      type: object
          type: integer
          format: int64

If I can add nullable: true to it, so it would look like:

      type: object
          type: integer
          format: int64
          nullable: true

it would be perfect.

Indeed, you are right. The nullable property is only available on sttp.apispec.Schema type - which represents the JSON Schema data structure. This is generated from sttp.tapir.Schema[T], which describes a type. The tapir schema doesn’t have the nullable property, and it can currently only be set globally.

As a work-around, you can modify the OpenAPI data structure that the interpreter returns. It’s not the prettiest, but does the job. For example:

  case class Test(s: Option[String])

  test("x") {
    import com.softwaremill.quicklens._
    val e = endpoint.in(jsonBody[Test])
    val openapi = OpenAPIDocsInterpreter().toOpenAPI(List(e), Info("Fruits", "1.0"))
    val openapi2 = openapi.modify(
    val actualYaml = openapi2.toYaml

As for a more user-friendly fix, I think we should have an option to customise the final, generated JSON Schema (which is part of the OpenAPI object). We could set an attribute on the tapir-schema, with a function which would be called by the OpenAPI interpreter.

Can you create an issue to implement this?

Thanks for the help, Adam!

I got it working with this change:

object UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore {
  // The description is also used as a marker to find the fields that we want to set as "nullable: true" in the
  // generated Open API yaml
  private val UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnoreMarker = "Update the field if it's sent in with a value, remove it if " +
    "sent in with 'null', ignore it otherwise"

  def modifyToMakePatchesWork(originalOpenApi: OpenAPI): OpenAPI = {
      .using((s: sttp.apispec.Schema) => {
        if (s.description.contains(UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnoreMarker)) {
          s.copy(nullable = Some(true))
        } else s

  implicit def tapirSchema[T: Schema]: Schema[UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore[T]] =

  // circe code here

and passing customiseDocsModel = UpdateOrRemoveOrIgnore.modifyToMakePatchesWork to SwaggerInterpreter and RedocInterpreter.

Issue created! [FEATURE] Support customizing the generated OpenAPI JSON schema · Issue #2953 · softwaremill/tapir · GitHub