How to define custom Mutipart codec?

suppose we have such endpoint for uploading file.

// post /file/<id>
// form format:
//    uploader: name text
//    file: binary
case class FileForm(uploader: String, file: Part[File])

val uploadEndpoint =

How can I use custom codec filenameEncoded like this one ?

import sttp.model.Part
import sttp.model.Part.FileNameDispositionParam
import sttp.tapir.CodecFormat.OctetStream
import sttp.tapir.macros.MultipartCodecMacros
import sttp.tapir.{Codec, MultipartCodec, PartCodec, RawBodyType}

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap

object CustomMultipartCodec extends MultipartCodecMacros {
  private val arrayBytePartListCodec: Codec[List[Part[Array[Byte]]], List[Part[Array[Byte]]], OctetStream] =
    implicitly[Codec[List[Part[Array[Byte]]], List[Part[Array[Byte]]], OctetStream]]

  def encode(s: String) = URLEncoder.encode(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
  val filenameEncoded: MultipartCodec[Seq[Part[Array[Byte]]]] =
      .multipart(Map(), Some(PartCodec(RawBodyType.ByteArrayBody, arrayBytePartListCodec)))
      // we know that all parts will end up as byte arrays; also, removing/restoring the by-name grouping of parts
      .map(_.values.toSeq.flatMap(_.asInstanceOf[List[Part[Array[Byte]]]]))(l =>
        ListMap(l.groupBy( {
          case (name, parts) =>
            if (name == FileNameDispositionParam) name -> else name -> parts.toList
        }: _*)

I want to encode filename part to UTF8 to avoid the problem which will be trigger when upload file with non-ascii name.

This seems not the right way to use


Is there any way to let the auto generated schema use my custom codec, or is there any way to provide codec explictly ?

It’s impossible on the level of MultipartCodec, at this stage it’s already too late.

What Tapir does is (simplified):

  1. Tapir first decodes org.http4s.Media[F] into org.http4s.multipart.Multipart[F] using implicit org.http4s.EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]]
  2. It then converts the Multipart[F] into a set of sttp.model.Part
  3. The codec transforms this set of Part into a your case classes.

Plugging a custom codec happens at point 3. I guess the problem happens in step 1, where the EntityDecoder reads the Content-Disposition header. I don’t see how this could be intercepted. Even if you decided to write your custom EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]], there’s no way to make Tapir use it instead of the default one, summoned in Tapir internals from imports (namely in sttp.tapir.server.http4s.Http4sRequestBody).

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