Hello again! 
I’m using zio-json and tapir, and trying to use .errorOut(oneOf[QueryValidationError](oneOfVariant[SyntaxError](...), ...))
I have this code:
enum QueryValidationError(val message: String) {
case InvalidRequestError(msg: String) extends QueryValidationError(msg)
case SyntaxError(msg: String) extends QueryValidationError(msg)
case CompilationError(msg: String) extends QueryValidationError(msg)
object QueryValidationError {
given JsonCodec[QueryValidationError] = DeriveJsonCodec.gen
and the my code on the tapir side doesn’t compile because there are no given instances for the members of the enum
. I’m not sure if this is a tapir thing or zio-json thing, and would really like to know how to do this 
Thank you very much! 
Hello, Ben!
In case of enums you need json codecs for each variant. Here’s a mini example of a working endpoint (based on the Adopt Tapir template):
enum QueryValidationError(val message: String) {
case InvalidRequestError(msg: String) extends QueryValidationError(msg)
case SyntaxError(msg: String) extends QueryValidationError(msg)
case CompilationError(msg: String) extends QueryValidationError(msg)
object QueryValidationError {
given validationError: zio.json.JsonCodec[SyntaxError] = DeriveJsonCodec.gen[SyntaxError]
given compilationError: zio.json.JsonCodec[CompilationError] = DeriveJsonCodec.gen[CompilationError]
given invalidRequestError: zio.json.JsonCodec[InvalidRequestError] = DeriveJsonCodec.gen[InvalidRequestError]
import QueryValidationError._
val booksListing: PublicEndpoint[Unit, QueryValidationError, List[Book], Any] = endpoint.get
.in("books" / "list" / "all")
val booksListingServerEndpoint: ZServerEndpoint[Any, Any] = booksListing.serverLogic(_ => ZIO.succeed(Left(SyntaxError("oh no!"))))
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